Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions, Leadership
In the last article of our Pray for Passion series, we discussed the importance of an invitation. Anyone who’s ever decided to follow Jesus was invited to do so. It’s worth mentioning however that when Jesus invited people to follow Him in the Scriptures, the...
Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions
By Bud Houston The Great Commission is a common phrase in most evangelical circles. Although, in a recent study by Barna research, when asked of church goers, “Have you heard of the Great Commission?” 51 % said no. 25% said yes, but “I can’t recall the exact meaning”....
Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions
We all have a story. And with the events that transpired on Capitol Hill this week, we all have one more piece to our story that marks a monumental time in human history. Like the great wars, various attacks on our nation, tragic assassinations and acts of terrorism...
Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions, Leadership
In our last conversation, I challenged you to begin asking God for PASSION to share Jesus with others. Here we are a week later, and I’m afraid to ask, but… how’d it go? If you’re anything like me, you’re glad we’re not sitting face to face looking each other in the...