Hope, purpose, and direction can be tough to find. Through writing, teaching, training and coaching, Reach Teach Lead helps lift the fog to show the way and equips you to help others do the same.
Hope, purpose, and direction can be tough to find. Through writing, teaching, training and coaching, Reach Teach Lead helps lift the fog to show the way and equips you to help others do the same.
Security Matters!
I received the notification in this image from Capital One recently. They clearly understand that great organizations (and leaders) make people feel safe. It’s safe to say, Capital One just earned some more loyalty points in my book. Strangely enough, this led me to...
Summer 2008
By Dave Cotner War is difficult to describe. The first thing one realizes upon arrival in a combat zone is that war is nothing like the movies or television shows in America. There is no background music, and the story is not over in 120 minutes. War is marked by days...
Pray for PASSION (pt. 7)
In the last article of our Pray for Passion series, we discussed the importance of an invitation. Anyone who’s ever decided to follow Jesus was invited to do so. It’s worth mentioning however that when Jesus invited people to follow Him in the Scriptures, the...