Decision Point

Decision Point

One of my favorite Gospel tracts is called Two Ways to Live: The Choice We All Face by Matthias Media. Listening to Bob’s message reminded me that, in the end, there are really only two ways to die. The choice we all face is to die as one of two types of people:...
RLE: 6 Lessons from 6 Days with an Outsider

RLE: 6 Lessons from 6 Days with an Outsider

I recently had the opportunity to spend six days with a long time friend who is admittedly an outsider (not a Christian). Spending that time with him was refreshing, rejuvenating, exhilarating and exhausting all at once. As I reflect on our time together, here are six...
What’s Your Game Plan?

What’s Your Game Plan?

Many churches will not know and experience the fulfilling of God’s purposes through them, because they are not willing to pay the price of obedience.     -Henry Blackaby Two questions every Christ follower ought to be able to answer are: What is your plan for...
RLE: The Master of Coincidence

RLE: The Master of Coincidence

Have you ever felt as if there was someone behind the scenes orchestrating some extraordinary circumstances in your life? I recently experienced such an occasion as a new friend in Tennessee introduced me to another new friend in Florida, and the new friend in Florida...