Many churches will not know and experience the fulfilling of God’s purposes through them, because they are not willing to pay the price of obedience. -Henry Blackaby
Two questions every Christ follower ought to be able to answer are:
What is your plan for evangelism?
How are you executing that plan today?
When you walk in to church to celebrate the power of God in your life this Sunday, that power should have manifested itself through your life during the week. If you have not experienced the power of God in your life this week, if there has been no evidence of a Christ-centered life on display for the world to grapple with, then celebrating Christ’s resurrection this Sunday will be little more than an empty charade.
We don’t celebrate God together on Sunday as the evidence of Christ in our life. We celebrate God together on Sunday, because of the evidence of Christ in our life.
The evidence of your resurrected life should manifest itself in your conversations and interactions with others, both near to and far from God, throughout your week. When that happens, celebrating Christ’s resurrection on Sunday will carry so much more weight.
So let’s try those questions again:
What is your plan for evangelism?
How are you executing that plan today?
If you’re having a hard time filling in the blanks with some specific names attached to those questions, then it may be time to recalibrate your witnessing approach and start getting some people in your sights.
Ask God today who you can serve this weekend. When He shows you, obey His command. Serve that person from a heart of Christ-like love, and watch how this changes your worship on Sunday morning. Chances are it’ll spice things up a bit, and you’ll never want to go to church again not having allowed the Spirit of God to work through your life during the week.
…the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matt. 20:28