The RTL: 3 for 3 is a monthly selection of related articles to assist readers as they seek to Reach, Teach and Lead the people they love.
- The Comfortable Church by Charles Stanley
- No, Jesus Didn’t ‘Hang Out’ with Sinners by Matt Walsh
- Why Your Church Should Adopt a North American Church Planter by Chuck Lawless
- Study: Fasting for Three Days can Regenerate the Entire Immune System of Humans by Amando Flavio
- 7 Tips for Parenting Teens in a Technology Crazed World by Brandon Cox
- Rob Bell’s ‘What is the Bible’ Takes a Confounding Trajectory Away From Scripture as We Know It by Megan Briggs
- How to Beat Your Brain and Succeed by Michael Hyatt
- 5 Warning Signs That Laziness is Creeping Into Your Leadership by Eric Geiger
- Why Busy Leaders Make Bad Leaders by Carey Nieuwhof
I’d love to hear how RTL has helped you lately and learn more about how I can be praying for you as you seek to Reach, Teach and Lead those you love. Leave a comment below or send me a private message through the contact section, and let me know!