Daddy, what’s up there on top of that hill?
Just keep going, buddy. You’ll see when we get there.
This is just a snippet of a conversation I had with my son recently as we hiked one of the trails in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Oddly enough, as we talked and walked together, I felt like I was walking in God’s shoes, listening to Him patiently respond to similar inquiries from me.
“God, do you really know where we’re going? I’m kinda scared. This is just so hard!”
Sound familiar?
I’m convinced that one of the most frustrating questions we find ourselves asking is, What is God’s will for my life? Other versions of this question might be: Where am I going? What am I supposed to be doing? Am I headed in the right direction?
By our very nature, we like to be in control of our lives. We like to plot a course before we travel, we like to plan all the stops, we like to leave on time, we don’t like stopping for someone else’s potty break, we hate traffic jams, we sin in our minds when someone cuts us off, and in spite of the fact that its rarely the case, we really do love to arrive on time. Point-blank, we like to be in control.
Not only do we crave control over our own lives, but depending on our circumstances, it can be either exhilarating or downright excruciating to wonder what lies ahead. If you’re jobless, the future is terrifying. If you’re in the middle of the best years of your life with nothing but blue skies ahead, then anticipating life’s next surprises can just add even more thrill to the ride you’re on.
Truth be told, however, none of us know what tomorrow holds. Our only hope is to look to the One who holds tomorrow in His hands, and wait to see what He might have waiting for us the next time He tells the sun to rise.
If you’re like me, you really wish God would just tell you the address of where you’re headed so you could plug it into your Google Maps app. If He’d just give you that much, then you’d probably just turn on your favorite playlist, put your feet on the dash and enjoy the ride. Am I right?
While I can’t offer you a comprehensive itinerary for the next two years of your life, there are a few principles we can glean from Scripture that might give you a sense of peace for what lies ahead.
Tomorrow we’ll discuss some of those principles and perhaps you’ll find yourself feeling a bit more hopeful about what God has waiting for you around the bend.
Daddy, what’s up there on top of that hill?
Just keep going, buddy. You’ll see when we get there.