Storms serve as great metaphors for emotional struggles and spiritual battles we encounter in life. While some are predictable and others aren’t, storms like Hurricane Harvey will, indeed, cross our paths. As we reflect on this most recent tragedy, there are a few things we can learn to help us navigate our own storms through life.

We can prepare for storms.

While we can’t prevent every potential storm, we can prepare for most of them. Abiding in Christ through prayer, Bible intake and fellowship with other believers is like buying all the right supplies, fortifying our property and investing in a quality insurance policy. Don’t get caught in a storm having estranged yourself from the One who can carry you through it.

We can persevere through storms.

When a storm strikes, stick to what you know. Find a safe place, seek wise counsel and continue in prayer. Most storms deliver their share of pain and suffering, but none of them are the end of the world. Abiding in Christ will get you through the storm and you will be stronger, more knowledgeable and better equipped to handle future storms later on.

We can recover from storms.

Two things are almost certain at the conclusion of a storm, tears and tranquillity. Tears are usually of mixed emotions, sadness and sorrow over loss and joy and gladness that the storm is finally over.

As the sun comes out and the survivors begin to scan the terrain for what’s left of their livelihood, there’s a sense of peace and tranquility, perhaps even a silent confession, “Yes this happened, yes it was terrible, but yes we are moving on.”

The neat thing about weathering storms is you’re given an opportunity to see all the people who will rally around you with love and support. There comes a seemingly endless supply of prayer and provision that directly reflects a loving God who cares for us and longs to meet our every need.
When storms come our way, God shows up.


He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. Mk. 4:39