Evangelism & Missions, Leadership
You’re invited! These are two words that, when offered by the right person, can be just the right medicine to lift our spirits. Chances are, if you’re a follower of Jesus, you can remember a time in your life when someone invited you to learn more about Jesus. Maybe...
Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions
By Bud Houston The Great Commission is a common phrase in most evangelical circles. Although, in a recent study by Barna research, when asked of church goers, “Have you heard of the Great Commission?” 51 % said no. 25% said yes, but “I can’t recall the exact meaning”....
Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions
We all have a story. And with the events that transpired on Capitol Hill this week, we all have one more piece to our story that marks a monumental time in human history. Like the great wars, various attacks on our nation, tragic assassinations and acts of terrorism...
Evangelism & Missions, Leadership
When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. Luke 19:5-6 We don’t know what happened to Zaccheus that day, but we do know something...