I’ll never forget the day my Christian Worldview professor said, “An alcoholic’s biggest problem is not that they’re addicted to alcohol. The problem for the alcoholic is that he’s at war with the God of the universe!” Coming from a family riddled with alcoholism, this statement was seared into my mind as a filter through which I will forever interpret the fallen state of humanity all around us.

The biggest problem anyone will ever face will not be deciding whether to pick up or put down the bottle, kneel or stand for the song, or even keep or abort the baby. The biggest problem any of us will ever face is our outright rebellion against the God of the universe who calls us to the holy standard of living exemplified by His son, Jesus Christ. The good news is that this same Jesus calls us to Himself as the solution to all of our problems, including our rebellion against our Creator:

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mt. 11:28-29

Will you take Him up on this offer? If you already have, will you be so bold as to share this good news with someone around you who needs it most?

Rest is waiting… just on the other side of obedience.


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